With the cannabis industry growing rapidly, it is crucial to use effective cannabis digital marketing strategies to reach new customers and generate revenue. With this in mind, here are the best ways to make use of the various methods of marketing. Text message marketing is one of the most effective methods of reaching new customers and generating revenue. Ninety percent of texts are read within three minutes of being sent, so the potential to generate tons of revenue with a text-based cannabis digital campaign is high. The best part about this strategy is that the contacts of your campaign are opted-in via a physical location, through a website form, through social media widgets, or even by browsing the Internet.
The Best Way To Top 5 Cannabis Digital Marketing Strategies
SMS advertising tools like push notifications and DMs can be used by dispensaries to inform their customers about new products or special discounts. The message can also foster engagement and repeat business, which are essential in a saturated market. Unlike email marketing, SMS messaging also provides a high open rate, and is the most effective way to engage customers. In addition to targeted advertising, SMS messages can contain personal information that is specific to each subscriber.
Geo-ads can be set to show up near a competitor’s dispensary or attraction area, allowing you to target potential customers who are already in the area. You can even set your geo-ads to show up on a potential customer’s newsfeed, making it easier to entice them to visit your retail store or website. If you are able to build brand loyalty through influencer marketing, you can leverage the power of Instagram to increase brand awareness and product sales.