Unlike standard barb wire fences that are susceptible to animal pushing and cattle electric fence kit will not allow these animals to get through the barrier. In fact, a cattle electric fence can be much more effective and easier to install and maintain than a regular fence. Before assembling your cattle fence kit ensure that the legal requirements for fencing on your property are met and the energiser output required is determined. You should also plan out the layout of your barrier by determining the appropriate post spacing and wire height for the type of livestock you are keeping.
During construction, it is important to use high quality materials that are well backed by your supplier. Using the correct poles and insulators will ensure that your fence operates as intended. If you are unsure about what material to choose consult your local agricultural expert for recommendations.
A Shocking Solution: Choosing the Right Cattle Electric Fence Kit for Your Livestock
When selecting an energizer, it is generally better to buy one slightly larger than your needs. This will give you the flexibility to charge the fence as it grows and to help account for brush and wet vegetation that can take power away from your system.
It is also vital to properly ground your electric fence. Almost eighty percent of all electric fence problems are due to improper grounding. Use a voltmeter such as the Dare #2411 Digital Fence Voltmeter and place it on the ground wire or rods. If the voltage reads 300 volts or higher this indicates that the grounding is inadequate and additional rods need to be added.