Category: Arts

How to Do Your Own Violin RepairHow to Do Your Own Violin Repair

Just like anything else that is assembled, put under pressure, and used on a regular basis, violin repair need to be maintained from time to time. Most repairs can be done by a luthier, but it’s also possible to do some simple things on your own.

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Strings: It’s important to change strings regularly (about once a year) and to check that they are well attached to the pegs. A loose string can make the violin very difficult to tune and is more easily broken. Changing a string is fairly straightforward – just take care to loosen the old one by turning it gently but firmly in the opposite direction to which you turned it when it was wound onto the peg. Then, once it’s out of the peg, save the end – either ball or loop – in an envelope with a date written on it; it may come in handy as a spare if you break your new string.

Bridge: The bridge is the small block of ebony that sits on top of the fingerboard and has grooves in which the strings lie. Sometimes these grooves get too deep and cause strings to buzz against the fingerboard. A luthier can easily re-carve or raise the bridge and grooves.

Open Seams: Occasionally, a violin will develop cracks in the face, back, or ribs that will need to be delicately filled and clamped. Generally this kind of damage is caused by the violin being left in its case for long periods in conditions that will cause it to warp. This can be very expensive to repair.