A water distiller machine is a device that boils water to produce pure, distilled water. It’s an easy and convenient way to ensure that you have pure, clean H2O.
Is it safe to drink distilled water?
Water distillers come with a stainless steel interior and a BPA free plastic collection container. They also have a digital timer. The machine runs on electric power.
You should make sure that the machine you choose is a good quality model. Good models can last 3 to 5 years.
If you’re concerned about VOCs, you should look for a distiller with an activated charcoal filter. This prevents the last traces of volatile organic compounds from escaping.
Some distillers also have an automatic shut-off feature. When the distillation cycle is complete, it automatically turns off. That’s good for avoiding the chance of boiling out the water.
If you’re using sea water, your distiller may leave trace amounts of VOCs in the water. However, many distillers come with an activated carbon post filter.
When you buy a water distiller, consider the size of your family. This will affect the capacity of your machine. If you have a large family, you’ll probably need a system with more than three gallons of capacity.
Some distillers are made of glass instead of plastic. Glass is more sanitary than plastic and easier to clean.
Distillers should also be disinfected periodically. To disinfect your water distiller, wipe down the heating element and use a damp sponge. Also, be sure to replace the water trays after every filling.